Welcome to College Corner Seniors! This newsletter will go out to you every two weeks with important updates, so please watch out. This will be related to the college application process, college & career events available in our community, vital scholarships and financial information, and many other things. Reminders:
 Scholarships Please look at this great website. It allows you to filter based on your preferences. https://www.thecollegetour.com/tour-colleges/#  I am attaching the Children's Aid Scholarship flyer below, please try your best to do it. We are partnered with them so the chances of you receiving that scholarship are high.   1)  SP Scholarship - $2,500 (Due March 31st) To be eligible for the Scholarship you must be:A) At least 13 years old and enrolled or will enroll in a college or university in the US.B) A legal resident of the U.S. or Puerto Rico.Thus far, they have given away more than $650,000 to students through this scholarship program. 2) Airmen Memorial Foundation Scholarship Program - $5,000 (March 31st)
 You can search for more scholarships on these sites: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/pay-for-college/scholarship-search https://studentscholarships.org/scholarships.php https://www.collegescholarships.org/financial-aid/  Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns at mchowdhury@fdaiii.com.  Guidance Team Frederick Douglass Academy III 3630 Third Avenue Bronx, NY 10456   |
